Take your next step in growing with Christ


Growing takes intentionally. Intentionally putting yourself in a place where God can work in and through you, to make you more like Jesus. This is Discipleship.

What is North Pointe's discipleship vision?

  • We believe every follower of Jesus is called to make disciples and that every disciple has a best next step on the discipleship pathway.
  • We trust the Holy Spirit to work in each disciple’s life to help them follow and become like Jesus, displaying fruits of the Spirit as they mature through various stages of faith.
  • We will identify intentional leaders and create relational environments where followers of Jesus can think about his teachings, obey what he taught, and celebrate stories about who they are becoming in Jesus.

We’re excited for you to enjoy the broad variety of ministries we offer, but first and foremost our desire is that being connected here will help you become a growing disciple of Jesus.

Who are we?

What is our mission?

To be Christ in our community

What is a disciple?

A disciple is someone who is following and becoming like Jesus.

What is a disciple-maker?

A disciple-maker is someone who is in their community walking alongside someone else with intention, to help them follow and become like Jesus, so they join God’s mission to make disciple in our community.

What does it mean to “follow and become like Jesus”?

To follow and become like Jesus, we believe what he said, we do what he did and obey what he taught, and we display the fruits of the Spirit as we walk in relationship with him.

What are our values?

See our core values.

What do we mean by discipleship?

Discipleship is an intentional, relational, and reproducible journey with Jesus Christ.

Our decisions in partnership with the Holy Spirit lead us to maturity so that we become more like Jesus in both attitude and actions. Discipleship does not happen by accident—it is a lifelong commitment of wholehearted surrender to God as we learn from Jesus, listen to the Holy Spirit, and walk alongside others as they learn how to follow Jesus. Our capacity to grow as disciples of Jesus is dependent on our willingness to abide in him.

John 15:4–5

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Why discipleship?

All followers of Jesus are called to make disciples.

Mature disciple makers join God where he is already at work and invite others to take their best next step toward Jesus. We cannot “make” someone else follow Jesus. Instead, we create environments and provide resources that help people along their pathway. We make the most of our opportunities and trust God to open the doors. The Holy Spirit empowers followers to grow closer to Jesus, and each individual must be a willing and active participant.

Sometimes those who claim to follow Jesus are not yet in relationships where he or she walks alongside a younger or less mature disciple. Discipleship is not just about being discipled by an older or more mature believer, but about passing it along to another person. Everyone can help someone take their best next step toward Jesus.

Disciples need different “best next steps” on the discipleship pathway.

Followers of Jesus do not mature at the same rate or in the same way; people are at various stages of faith. We see evidence of these stages in stories like Jesus’ parable of the talents, as well as Paul’s description of “worldly” Christians who are not ready for solid food. Just as humans go through predictable stages of physical and social development, disciples of Jesus go through various stages of faith throughout their lives.

Because followers of Jesus start at different points along the pathway, those who walk alongside (disciple makers) need to help other followers learn to listen to God, assess their current stage of faith, and find their best next step. Each intersection needs a person (disciple maker) to walk alongside, and a process (identifiable content / next steps) to follow.

Discipleship happens best when intentional leaders create relational environments where the Holy Spirit works in and through peoples’ lives as they mature and become more like Jesus.

What are “stages of faith”?

The descriptions below can help you identify current realities so that you can discover best next steps on the discipleship pathway for yourself or for others.


Those at this stage see the awesome power of God in contrast to our own finite lives. Life has a sense of innocence and a desire to find meaning and/or there may be hurt to overcome.


Those at this stage seek structure and friendships that align with their new identity in Christ. Life is marked by communities who care for one another and model spiritual disciplines.


Those at this stage recognize their uniqueness and find joy in using their gifts to serve God and others. Life is marked by productivity, contribution, and responsibility. Involvement in church life increases.


Think of this as a “mid-life crisis” for the faith journey. Those at this stage may experience darkness, confusion, or tragedy that causes them to question everything they thought they knew about God. They may sense emptiness or a lack of fulfillment in spiritual activities that once brought them joy. Some question God when they realize their former striving for God did not lead to the fulfilled, deeper life they had hoped. God “breaks out of the box” we formed for him in earlier stages of faith.


Those at this stage emerge from the journey inward with a growing awareness of God’s presence and power. They experience an intrinsic motivation to leverage their lives for kingdom impact. They listen for God’s voice and long to engage where they sense God’s Spirit is working in the world around them.


Those at this stage reflect compassion for others based on a deep sense of abandonment to God’s will. Intimacy with God is the most important part of their lives. They have an ever-decreasing desire for things of the world. Life is centered on obedience, peace, and wisdom. They are loving role models for detachment and letting go.

Descriptions are adapted from Gaultier, Journey of the Soul;

What is our discipleship pathway?

Since each person is at a different stage of faith, your best next step will vary.

Read the descriptions below, find the one that best describes you, and consider that starting point for your journey. If you would like to know more about the stages of faith, or simply want to talk with someone about your best next step, please contact Jared Harms, our Discipleship & Outreach Pastor.

If you are new to North Pointe, ready to get connected, or considering membership, Sign up for our Explorer's class.

  • The Explorer Class is a great place to start! Find out about our history, beliefs, core values, our staff, and much more in this two-week class at 9:00 am in the Conference Room (lower level). Learn more and sign up online here

If you recently decided to follow Jesus or were just baptized, join a Small Group.

These groups help you begin to understand the full gospel, while helping you take first steps in reading the Bible, praying, and listening to God. To learn more, please contact Jared Harms, our Discipleship & Outreach Pastor.

If you are continuing to follow Jesus and learn about faith, consider these steps:

  • Join a Small Group. Community Groups do life together. They meet regularly for fellowship, study, and prayer. Relationships and life transformation are the primary purposes of Community Groups.
  • Join a mentoring group. Mentoring groups are available for both men and women and follow a nine-month schedule starting each September. They include monthly gatherings and shared reading assignments.
  • Sign up for a Discipleship class. Classes are short-term events for groups who meet for a defined season with a common purpose of commitment. Information and equipping are the primary purpose of classes. To find a group or class, click here.

If you are a mature believer who is ready to embrace a life of disciple-making influence, consider these steps:

  • Teach a Discipleship Class with Jared
  • Lead or co-lead a small group
  • Become a one-on-one discipler
  • Serve. The best way to live out what you are learning it to practice it in community. Serving allows you to make an impact for the Kingdom and grow in relationship with others on the journey.
  • Sign up for a short-term missions opportunity. Travel across the country or around the world with other disciples sharing the gospel and using practical life skills to bless others.

Who are you becoming?

As we walk in relationship with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, the more we believe and obey what Jesus did.

Want to talk more about your spiritual growth or have questions about a class or small group? Reach out to Jared Harms, our Discipleship and Outreach Pastor.